COVID-19 Ready Workplace Plan

Government realise that these are trying times and that all of us are venturing into unchartered waters and intentionally did not want to make the regulations too prescriptive.  The purpose of the provision in the regulations are to try to prevent as far as reasonably practicable that a person who may have a fever is prevented from entering the premises of a workplace. The best endeavour to comply with the regulations will suffice, including the utilisation of additional precautionary measures such as all possible preventative to mitigate the spread COVID-19 in the workplace.

A COVID-ready Workplace Plan must be developed prior to the reopening of an enterprise employing persons or serving the public.

For small businesses, the plan can be basic reflecting the size of the business, while for medium and larger businesses, a more detailed written plan should be developed given the larger numbers of persons at the workplace.

The Plan for medium and large businesses must include the following:
1. The date the business will open and the hours of opening;
2. The timetable setting out the phased return-to-work of employees, to enable appropriate measures to be taken to avoid and reduce the spread of the virus in the workplace;
3. The steps taken to get the workplace COVIS-19 ready;
4. A list of staff who can work from home; staff who are 60 years or older; and staff with comorbidities who will be required to stay at home or work from home;
5. Arrangements for staff in the establishment:
(a) sanitary and social distancing measures and facilities at the entrance and exit to the workplace;
(b) screening facilities and systems;
(c) the attendance-record system and infrastructure;
(d) the work-area of employees;
(e) any designated area where the public is served;
(f) canteen and bathroom facilities;
(g) testing facilities (for establishments with more than 500 employees);
(h) staff rotational arrangements (for establishments where fewer than 100% of employees will be permitted to work).
6. Arrangements for customers or members of the public, including sanitisation and social distancing measures.

All businesses that fall within the categories of essential services would, however, be required to register with the government to operate. Each business should identify critical activities, processes, and people that are necessary to operate and continue the supply of essential services. This must be done prior to your registration process on BizPortal, as the number of employees that will be required to work during the lockdown levels will be requested. As far as possible, persons should be off-site and working remotely.

Should you require assistance in terms of the above or any other Health & Safety issues, you are more than welcome to contact our experts at or call me directly on 078 5565480


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